Generative AI in Higher Education

Understand the uses and limitations of generative AI to address its challenges and harness its potential for higher education.

  • Online
  • 2 weeks
  • 3 hours per week
  • Digital certificate when eligible
  • 70% practice and 30% theoretical methodology
  • Practical tasks developed on real cases
  • Master groups with program experts and curator support
  • Library of templates and materials that will stay with you


  • Learn how generative AI could transform teaching, learning, and assessment
  • From the arrival of chatbots like ChatGPT to the spread of uncannily convincing AI-generated images, we are seeing increasingly dramatic advances in the development of artificial intelligence. Higher education is just one of many sectors set to be impacted by the changes.

  • Explore the capabilities, limitations, and ethics of AI
  • You’ll start the course with an overview of generative AI. You’ll examine the technology behind chatbots and image generators, and learn about their main capabilities and limitations.You’ll also debate ethical and environmental concerns around AI.

  • Understand the potential impact of AI in education
  • Once you’ve explored the potential of generative AI, you’ll home in on its specific impact on higher education. You’ll learn how generative AI tools could transform the way we teach, learn, and evaluate students, potentially threatening academic integrity but opening up new opportunities to improve educational practices.

  • Consider the wider influence of AI on the job market
  • Last but not least, you’ll consider the impact generative AI is having on the employment landscape. You’ll investigate the emergence of new roles and erosion of others, discussing how courses and curricula should evolve to meet the needs of the new job market. By the end of the course, you’ll have the knowledge you need to take on the future of artificial intelligence.


  • Week 1.
    Web3 Gaming
  • Week 2.
    Smart Contracts, NFTs, and Applications
  • Week 3.
    DeFi, DAO, and Applications
  • Week 4.
    Designing In-Game Economies
  • Week 5.
    GameFi and the Future

Our proprietary methodology and training system will allow you to significantly improve your competencies in the shortest possible time, leading to an immediate increase in your value in the job market. Submit your application for the program.
